Friday, November 17, 2006

Here Is A Page From My Old Book

Today, in an effort to move a dump truck load of dirt by shovel and wheelbarrow, I tore the sole off my shoe. Instantly a horrible childhood memory, I had seemingly forgotten, rushed back to me. It was a muggy morning in May 1988. I awoke with anger to the sound of my father's knock, beckoning me to another hated day at school. Two weeks earlier my shorts had torn at the mid-seams in a horrible jungle jim mishap. I thought I would never hear the end of the jokes and ridicule by my dear Pinelock Elementary buddies. If only I knew what this morning was to bring I would have run away the night before, but few eight year olds have the ability to foretell the future. Getting out of bed I slumped my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready. In our bathroom was a large fan nailed against the window, my only relief in an airconditionless home. Putting my face up against it I began to practice my best, "LUKE, I AM YOUR FATHER!" routine, to the endless praise and elation of my own mind. After dressing myself, paying close attention to any potential wardrobe malfunctions, I went to the breakfast table for yet another cheerios covered in honey breakfast. Before I could finish it was time to go. I ran to my room and put on my sneaks. As I ran back to the door the sole of my fragile payless shoe caught on a step, tearing it loose. Shocked and horrified I announced that I was not able to go to school today! My father walked up to me, looked down, and said in a strong heroic voice, "Don’t worry son! I can fix this!" As my father walked away I was instantly happy, for in my mind I thought for sure this meant a quick stop by the shoe store for a new pair. Oh, was I ever so wrong. Two seconds later he reappeared with a roll of duct tape. "Duct tape?" I thought, "why does he have duct tape?" To my horror he took my shoe and its sole, wrapped the duct tape around them both about ten times and triumphantly handed his creation back to me. Noticing my look of confusion he said, "Go ahead. Put it on." The next thing I knew I was doing my best to explain to the kids in my class why having duct tape on your shoe was something all the cool kids were doing. I don’t think they bought it. As my memory faded and 2005 reappeared, I looked down at my soleless shoe and surprisingly thought, "Duct tape!"


Blogger Jecca said...

OH MY WORD! That must have been what happened to my uncle as a child. I refer you to a picture on my pic site check out the picture of Darth Uncle! He adores duct tape and ALL it's uses. It's always on his shoes and also on his hat he uses for gardening. Not a fond memory for most but appartently a favorite for my uncle

10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You posted this story on your blog once before!

9:08 PM  
Blogger SillyAlicat said...

Duct Taped shoes are all the rage among urban dwellers these days.

You'd be, as Paris Hilton sadly declares, "so hot right now". ;)

11:03 PM  
Blogger Marvelous said...

LOL I member this blog!

The fabulous memorabilia.. MARVELOUS!

1:02 AM  
Blogger beyondthestairs said...

I agree with the superglue, but don't think the ducktape is a good idea. Just so you don't start walking around the hall with ducktape on your heals.

Your uncle is a bit disturbing, but he looks like a nice fellow. Can he make me a duck tape lightsabor?

You make me laugh. You are so concerned with my blog and me, but not concerned enough to not post anonymously. Why are you afraid of me? I really don't understand.

You are just joshing me about the urban dwellers thing. Besides I have more than enough other odd things about me that are hawt! ;)

You're my favorite groupie. lol! I'm kidding.

8:02 PM  
Blogger Jecca said...

Uncle Bobby Joe (not a joke) can make anything out of duct tape. 1 Lightsaber coming riiiight up.
(had to accent the long "i", it's a Texas thing)

11:13 PM  
Blogger SillyAlicat said...

Please tell me what other things that you possess are "hawt" and Pig can't be used as one of them.

10:46 AM  
Blogger beyondthestairs said...

Uncle Joe is the duck vader. Why did I call him Uncle Joe? Does everyone call him Uncle Joe?

If I explained what was hawt about me I'm only deminish my heat. Silly girl!

12:50 PM  
Blogger Jecca said...

Uncle Joe, THE DUCK VADER!! Sounds like some perve who does not so nice things to squeakers! Not Nice!! :S ewwwwwwwww
And NOBODY calls him Uncle Joe so you would be a first... shocker, you do something original, who'd a thunk it!

4:19 PM  

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