Friday, November 03, 2006

The Challenging Ghost.

Do you think you can challenge me? That's all I want. All I want is for someone to challange me on a daily basis, but eveyone falls short. I love teaching, but hate having to live my work. I'm not saying I'm better, or smarter, or prettier. ;) What I am saying is... Bring it on! But no one ever does. :(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you ever wondered whether or not your challenge is whether or not to understand other's lack of ability to challenge
maybe it's whether or not you can sympathize with how other people don't see the world in as varied a view as you, but that doesn't make them bad it just makes it so you have to understand them

ps. i know i'm chicken for doing this anonymously, but i don't want to challenge
life's hard enough

3:24 PM  
Blogger beyondthestairs said...

I don't think you're chicken. I left the anonymous comments on for this very reason.

I feel like I need to explain this post further. When I said challenge I didn't mean someone who saw the world as I did or was like me. I love that people are different than me. I don't think I'm extremely varied in my views, I think I'm like a lot of other people in many ways. People challenge me in this way all the time. I try very hard to understand people and their different views on life.

What I was talking about here is someone challenging me in a playful fighting way. I meant wit. I meant people who are snippy, but are only that way in the joking sense.

Thank you for you comment.

12:01 PM  
Blogger SillyAlicat said...

I'm so offended.

7:54 PM  
Blogger beyondthestairs said...

Why are you offened?

8:01 PM  
Blogger SillyAlicat said...

The Russian Crusher and I aren't stimulating enough for you?

Gasps in horror.

Sure, I may not send you random artifacts in the mail but I still think we are intellectually stimulating, and most importantly, challenging!

10:41 PM  
Blogger beyondthestairs said...

LOL! you guys are more than stimulating enough for me. Thank you very much. I didn't mean the post that way. I meant it in the witty able to fight with me kind of way and at the same time not hate me. That's what I meant. :)

10:48 PM  

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