Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Piece Of Puzzle With A Side Of Ice Cream

Original Message:
Today I found a 20,000 piece puzzle. As I touched each piece I knew exactly where it went. I can not find the last piece. Should I start a new puzzle or keep this one with the missing piece?

- A new piece must be fabricated. Improvisation drive the creative mind. Fractly exactly. It will be your knowledge alone of it's fabrication and that will make the restrained smile worthwile.
- Just counting the pieces would have taken you the whole day.
- You say screw it and order chineese food
- Nothing is perfect. Even being incomplete. Move on from the missing piece, but don't forget about it. Save it for a better day. You're saving time that would be spent in vain.
- Is this a metaphor for your life? If so, I believe we are all lacking a piece and just some are more noticeable than others. Only the foolish focus on the missing puzzle pieces of others. I say you embrace the piece missing. The rest of the puzzle is fantastic the way it is. If this is a literal puzzle then I say just get some cardboard and make it fit! Incompletion in hardly failure. Even if we toiled it would never be complete, just close enough.
- If it's one of the courner pieces just take off all the courner pieces. It will make it unique.
- You are the missing piece.
- We have taken a pole and we think you should keep the puzzle.


Blogger SillyAlicat said...



I love ice cream.

4:16 PM  

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