Sunday, July 16, 2006

If I Die You Can Have My Stereo

Today I awoke with a tremble and a sigh. I don't know if I will live to see another day. I am told I have some type of fever. I love people who tell me the obvious.

Rondal returned from the meeting with a bit of an upset stomach that turned into an upside down stomach.

Five hours passed and neither one of us felt better. A coin was tossed and I was sent out to acquire food and water. I slipped in the internet cafe' to send of my last will. So, whoever response first gets my stereo when I die.


Blogger Unknown said...


8:19 PM  
Blogger Johnny Blaze said...

"Don't die on me" "Ya hear me Don't die on me" or something of that nature. Ya a new stereo sweet!

9:12 PM  
Blogger SillyAlicat said...

You both get conveniently sick on Sundays over there. We're onto you!
Since I'm the first to respond does that mean I get first dibs on your stuff? If so, I'll take your camera. It's a lot fancier than mine.

Feel better. Don't die on us. Tell Rondal I hear longer shorts heal the belly.

2:30 AM  
Blogger SillyAlicat said...

Damn comment moderation! I'm most likely not the first so I'll settle for your cd collection if that's still up for grabs.

2:34 AM  
Blogger Nina said...

Can I have it?!?! I don't know what it is...but I would like to think someone gave me something some time...

3:00 PM  
Blogger Jecca said...

You shall not die. If you have any essential oils, peppermint and purification work best for the nastiness of an ill stomach. If I'm speaking to the wind due to you being in Honduras, then just find some peppermints and papaya and drink lots of water. And I have my own stereo, tho the cd player doesn't work! ;> Again, you shall not die! Life would be more boring than it already has the tendency to be.

3:58 PM  
Blogger beyondthestairs said...

You win! The jokes on you though, because my stereo broke just before I left. Shame on you for being happy at my death!

Your sentiment is touching, and something of that nature.

Oh, I've tried that one with Rondal before. :) And sure you get my camera, but I have added a few more pictures on there. It's mostly documenting my sickness. I hope you enjoy. You would only be so lucky as to get my Music collection. It's the best things I have.

You can have the contents of my black chest. It's full of surprises.

I forgot my essential oils!

4:37 PM  
Blogger SillyAlicat said...

Surely it isn't the best thing you have. What about your rapier wit and tight butt, I mean bite?

5:30 PM  
Blogger violette said...

hope you feel better!

8:07 AM  
Blogger violette said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:07 AM  
Blogger beyondthestairs said...

Hey! Only Berry gets to call me "Tight Butt"!! And if I'm dead my wit goes with me! It's the only thing I'm taking into the new system with me.

I'm not better yet, but thank you for hoping.

2:48 PM  

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