Monday, April 10, 2006

Silent Moonlight

Every year about this time I can’t help but stare at the moon.

Some of us connect to the memorial of Jesus death by reading the scriptures leading up to the day of his death. Others connect by going out with friends after the memorial to appreciate the wonderful association made possible my Jesus’ sacrifice. Some connect, still, by reading an article on Jesus’ sacrificial death and what it means to them.

I, I connect through the full moon. Why? Because it is the same one that lit the roadway as Jesus walked toward the house where he was to have Passover. Because it is the same full moon that reflected on the blood Jesus sweat in the garden. Because it is the same full moon that shone down on the synagogue courtyard where Jesus was beat. It is the same moon that watched Jesus carry his own torture stake. Because it is the same full moon Jesus looked up at and past as he prayed his last words to his heavenly father.

This same full moon shines down on me every year at this time illuminating my watery eyes looking back up with humble servitude and heartfelt appreciation.


Blogger beyondthestairs said...

Ha, ha! How did you find my blog Rosha. Nice to hear from ya.

Good point about the timelessness of Jehovah. :-)

11:18 AM  
Blogger abz said...

wow aaron thanx! i never looked at it like that

7:37 PM  
Blogger Dante the Inferno said...

It never fails to shock me how similar you and I think sometimes. I'm right with you there on the full moon thing.

7:52 PM  
Blogger beyondthestairs said...

Just sharing. I'm glad you appreciated it.

I don't know whether to be happy or sad for you that you and I think alke so much.

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have done the same for years... the moon, the part it played, along with the stability it symbolizes get me every spring.

7:51 PM  

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